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Unique Psychometric test series - by Univ Counselling

Psychometric test meaning
A psychometric assessment (also known as a psychometric test) is an exercise generally carried out to understand a candidate’s traits and abilities to thrive in a job or overall career.
•Psychomteric testing is a process of assessment through set of questionnaires that are used to measure a person's ability, personality, aptitude, intrest, intelligence, emotion and so on.
• These test are objective type which make them so effective.
Types of  psychometric Testing areas
• Aptitude Tests: These tests have the goal of assessing various cognitive abilities from numeracy and literacy skills to spatial awareness and more.
• Behavioural Tests: These tests are intended to highlight specific personality traits that could indicate suitability for specific roles. These can come in the form of personality questionnaires, leadership tests, motivation tests and situational judgement tests.
• Assessment Centres: Assessment centres are based on human interaction assessments. Various exercises utilise job-specific skills and simulations and are usually carried out by assessors/psychologists.
How psychometric test can help students
• Psychometric tests have many advantages for a student. It is especially beneficial to students who are at the age of selecting a career for themselves. By taking these tests, the students can find out more about their skills and talents that can help them when taking career counselling. The tests are also a great time saver since the students do not have to browse through innumerable career magazines to find out what is best suitable for them. The psychometric testing in Delhi can help the students in getting a direct and focused career counselling that are reliable and accurate. 
• Taking a good psychometric test can also determine how well a child can handle stress, how he behaves in different situations and how he reacts during the times of need. It also tells us what motivates a child and what might be the best-suited career option for him or her. 


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